3D can be used independently or with live footage

to help convey complex ideas and images.


3D image production fascinates many of us while we are watching a 3D movie in a cinema or witnessing a great piece of animated objects with high graphics. Most of us wonder about the production and efforts involved in the creation of a PIXAR or Disney movie. Therefore, here we would like to highlight the steps that are involved in the creation of a 3D image as it will simplify the process for our clients.

We help clients represent their products and space to their viewers in a way that is easy to grasp and understand. Sometimes products and services could not be easily represented by live filming. Things such as moving machine parts could be too dangerous or even too deep within the machine to be filmed. Objects on a molecular level could also be better represented by 3D. For instance, molecules, cells and other micro-level objects could be developed in 3D and animated to demonstrate how they work and operate.

We believe that every project is different, and would require different approaches for each project. Therefore we work closely with our clients to understand their needs and how we can cater solutions to them.








Before we even start animating, we would need to conceptualize how the flow, art direction and style will be like. For that we have to be clear with what we want to achieve. We use mood boards to help with visualizing the ideas.

Mood boards can either be literal and practical (i.e. featuring fonts, color schemes and images that you actually plan to use in a final piece of work) or they can be less literal and more about exploring tone and mood. You can tackle these two different types sequentially, or you can just do one or the other



The client has his perception sorted out about the product or service, and conveys it to the developer. On the other hand, sometimes the client provides basic features and lets the designer be creative.


During this process, a developer has various concepts clouding the mind, but only the best one aligning with the client’s idea is brought further under the cursor.

The developer produces an artistic illustration which gives a rough image of the final output. Our team critically and intricately focuses on the ideas of their clients and caters their ideas professionally.


Our team then works on the second step of developing a 3D structure called 3D modelling. This process has technicalities that need to have our utmost focus. Think of this process as ‘sculpting’, it is here that the characters and objects are being developed. In modeling, several aspects of the project has to be taken into account. The level of detail for instance, are determined by where these models are used in. Film would generally require a higher level of detail in modeling compared to something that is used within a simulation/game.

These 3D models can be used in video games, movies, architecture, illustration, engineering, and commercial advertising.


In this step, the 3D models have colour entering into them. The professional texturing artists with their command on the work add colour details, surface texture, high-frequency details, reflection, and material specifications are added and developed in the 3D animation.

All the fascinating details in animated objects like transformers, cars, terminator, etc. are a result of the texturing process.

The team is professional users of Photoshop and image manipulation which gives them an edge while creating outstanding objects.


Our team gives life to the 3D models in this step. They manipulate the mesh and formulate the positions of images.

Think of this step to be one that gives ‘character’ to the video. Animation is not only the process of moving objects and images, it gives life to the characters and the scene.

Other than the characters, the animator also adjusts the camera angels, lights and scene composition improving the cinematography in this step.

In animation, we take into account the pacing and how the characters need to be portrayed. Ironically, animators do not just look at the characters on screen, they look at charts and graphs to make changes to the animation on screen.


Rendering is the last step of 3D production. It requires grave attention and seriousness like all other steps mentioned above as it produces the final image of the production. This process comes with complexities which our experienced and professional team handles easily.

The spatial, textural and lighting information are set in a pipeline which gives a final pixel flattened image. This process may take time according to the complexity of the image. Real-Time rendering in which the image renders as the action unfolds usually used in gaming takes more time than rendering a normal 3D image.


Drop us a message to start your project!
We would love to talk to you!

Let us know if you are still unsure about what to expect during production or which style of video would suit you. We will assign an experienced Video Producer to help guide you through the process!


5008 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5 #04-09 Techplace II Singapore 569874


+65 9843 8842




Meetings is a vital way for us to chat and discuss about your requirements and objectives, the budgets involved, and any research that is needed.

Linear Dots Production is here to guide you with more information,
answer any questions you may have and provide an effective solution for your needs.

Fill in the form below with your message and contact information.
We will come back to you as soon as we can.

Crew members may be present on site to facilitate the talents and their makeup, lighting of the scenes to things such as equipment use.